Through our Fundraising efforts, the Sioux Falls Kiwanis is able to support some amazing organizations doing great work for kids in our community!
Over the course of a year, nearly 550 children are assigned to the CASA program as a result of their involvement with the court system through no fault of their own. These children reside Minnehaha and Lincoln counties of South Dakota. Over the last few years, these numbers have continued to increase with our families struggling with substance abuse, mental health, poverty, and frequently lacking a solid support system or family structure they can turn to for help.The focus of Champions On Track is to infuse character education and resources throughout the school and the community so that it may become the common language and serve as a way of living. The organization forms partnerships with public and private school districts, pre-schools and daycares to deliver a consistent message which is delivered through a variety of activities, lessons, media, online resources and school and classroom presentations.Compassion Child Care exists to empower working-poor families with the means to access certified, comprehensive childcare at a price that enables them to stabilize their overall financial life. Scholarships are provided to families in relation to their income and life circumstances.Educated Mommy’s Goal is to provide research-based, pregnancy and parenting related education to parents and families in the area. In order to accomplish this goal, they are dedicated to having qualified staff running Educated Mommy.The Hospitality Houses provide shelter for families traveling to Sioux Falls to visit an incarcerated loved one. This service allows families, with limited incomes, to continue the healing process with the incarcerated family member. Children’s Connection, a United Way Agency, works with the Sioux Falls School District to provide group counseling services to children with an incarcerated family member.Family Visitation Center is a regional and national leader in the field of safe supervised visitations and safe exchanges. And, with an average of of 140 families served each month, the need—and impact—continues to grow. The number of hours of service has grown from 1,071 hours in 2001 to over 5,200 hours in 2017. In that time, more than 4,000 children have benefited from FVC’s efforts.Mission: To demonstrate the love of Christ by providing those in need with gently used furniture and household items free of charge. A comfortable home provides dignity, security and a better environment in which to raise a family. Each person who receives furniture is referred by a social service agency, school, church, or hospital. Prequalifying assures that we are serving those truly in need.Ground Works: SD Ag in the Classroom Ground Works Midwest is the lead agency for South Dakota Agriculture in the Classroom. These programs work together to create innovative, cutting edge, and inspired curriculum for students and communities across the Midwest.HOLY INNOCENTS DIAPER MINISTRY Members of the Society of St.Vincent de Paul (or “Vincentians” ) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. Our members come in every shade of skin color. Some of us are wealthy, some are financially poor, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need.Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership is a community based non-profit organization which serves primarily low-income families and senior citizens in a 14-county area of East Central South Dakota. We administer a variety of programs supported through grants, donations, and other community resources to assist participants and their communities to achieve full potential.A child’s economic background should never prevent them from having the same education, same experience and same opportunities than a child whose family has more resources. About 50% of school-aged kids in Sioux Falls School District live in poverty. Some elementary schools have a poverty rate as high as 100% of kids. Promising Futures Fund’s goal is to help kids have educational resources that ensure they can learn their way our of poverty.Sioux Falls Psychological Services is a multidisciplinary group of mental health professionals. Their therapists are well trained, experienced, and committed to meeting emotional, relational, and spiritual needs. Their services are offered in person and through a telemental health platform. Child and Adolescent Therapy Clinic – committed to treating children and adolescents ages 1-18 and the people who care for them.The Teddy Bear Den is an incentive and education based program for the limited income pregnant women in our community. They provide referrals, education and incentives to pregnant women, teens, new parents and their families.The Banquet meal ministry was founded in 1985 starting with just one meal per week. They now serve 13 meals per week at two locations. The Banquet is a volunteer-based ministry, which means their meals are paid for, prepared by, and served by volunteer groups who come from Sioux Falls and the surrounding area. In 2019 The Banquet served 196,000 meals, and at least 25,000 of those meals were served to children under 12. They go through approximately 15,000 gallons of milk each year.
Who We Support
Through our Fundraising efforts, the Sioux Falls Kiwanis is able to support some amazing organizations doing great work for kids in our community!
The organization forms partnerships with public and private school districts, pre-schools and daycares to deliver a consistent message which is delivered through a variety of activities, lessons, media, online resources and school and classroom presentations.
to provide research-based, pregnancy and parenting related education to parents and families in the area. In order to accomplish this goal, they are dedicated to having qualified staff running Educated Mommy.
The number of hours of service has grown from 1,071 hours in 2001 to over 5,200 hours in 2017. In that time, more than 4,000 children have benefited from FVC’s efforts.
Ground Works Midwest is the lead agency for South Dakota Agriculture in the Classroom. These programs work together to create innovative, cutting edge, and inspired curriculum for students and communities across the Midwest.
Members of the Society of St.Vincent de Paul (or “Vincentians” ) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. We are young and old. Our members come in every shade of skin color. Some of us are wealthy, some are financially poor, but all of us are blessed with an awareness that our blessings (time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need.
About 50% of school-aged kids in Sioux Falls School District live in poverty. Some elementary schools have a poverty rate as high as 100% of kids.
Promising Futures Fund’s goal is to help kids have educational resources that ensure they can learn their way our of poverty.
Child and Adolescent Therapy Clinic – committed to treating children and adolescents ages 1-18 and the people who care for them.
In 2019 The Banquet served 196,000 meals, and at least 25,000 of those meals were served to children under 12. They go through approximately 15,000 gallons of milk each year.
Upcoming events
Student Kiwanian's Speak
Teri Schmidt - Experience Sioux Falls
Deanna Parker - Executive Director of Mosiac Arts & Events
Kelli Zimmer - Interlake's Community Action
Student Kiwanians Speak
Stacey Tiezen - CASA
Kaelyn Giefer - Veteran's Community Project
Dr. James Nold - Assistant Superintendent
South Sioux - Carbs for Kids
Student Kiwanians Speak
Pamela Cole with Bread Break
Crime Stoppers Shred Event
Funding Distributions
Isaiah Neve with tre Ministries
Student Kiwanians