We could not do what we do if it weren’t for these amazing business and community partnerships! We are thankful to everyone who helps support our efforts to serve the kids both here in Sioux Falls and all over the world! Our heartfelt appreciation we give freely!
Sponsorship Fundraising
We could not do what we do if it weren’t for these amazing business and community partnerships! We are thankful to everyone who helps support our efforts to serve the kids both here in Sioux Falls and all over the world! Our heartfelt appreciation we give freely!
Upcoming events
Student Kiwanian's Speak
Teri Schmidt - Experience Sioux Falls
Deanna Parker - Executive Director of Mosiac Arts & Events
Kelli Zimmer - Interlake's Community Action
Student Kiwanians Speak
Stacey Tiezen - CASA
Kaelyn Giefer - Veteran's Community Project
Dr. James Nold - Assistant Superintendent
South Sioux - Carbs for Kids
Student Kiwanians Speak
Pamela Cole with Bread Break
Crime Stoppers Shred Event
Funding Distributions
Isaiah Neve with tre Ministries
Student Kiwanians